The Albert M. Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC) at the University of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce a $1 million gift to the Center from the Albert M. Greenfield Foundation, which helped to found GIC more than 25 years ago.
The gift, which includes both term and endowment funding, will be used to support and expand student intercultural engagement and programming at Penn.
The term funding will establish the Intercultural Innovations Program at GIC. The Intercultural Innovations Program will be designed to increase the number of Penn students participating in GIC-based intercultural activities and will specifically reach out to students who have not had the opportunity to participate in GIC programs.
The endowment fund will support a part-time staff position within the GIC, seed new initiatives associated with the Intercultural Innovations Program, and enhance current intercultural programming at the GIC.
“This generous gift will give us the opportunity to amplify the work of the center on campus with an emphasis on projects that increase understanding and enhance cultural competency skills among Penn students,” said GIC Director Valerie De Cruz. She added, “In a nation that is growing increasingly diverse and when the potential for conflict across difference also grows, these programs will empower Penn students to engage dynamically and effectively across difference in their 21st century communities and workplaces.”
At a GIC community event announcing the gift, Priscilla Luce, granddaughter of the late Albert M. Greenfield and president of the Albert M. Greenfield Foundation, had this to say, “In your life as a grant maker, few opportunities come along that are so completely meritorious that it does something intensely to your heart. The Greenfield Intercultural Center is one of those places that makes us feel, as grant makers, that we’re adding value, not just to the Penn community, but to the world. GIC is a wonderful partner – we couldn’t be happier to be a part of everything GIC is doing, and we look forward to more great things coming from GIC.”
The Albert M. Greenfield Intercultural Center was established at Penn in 1984 and welcomes all students interested in fostering intercultural understanding on campus. As a site of learning through cross cultural activism, reflection, and dialogue, the GIC promotes co-curricular educational and cultural programs. For more information, please see or call 215-898-3358.
MEDIA CONTACT: Valerie De Cruz, 215-898-3358