iBelieve 2018 – EDUC 598: Interfaith Dialogue in Action
iBelieve Spring 2018
iBelieve is a course aimed at exploring spiritual/ideological identity development, community building, leadership and examples of interfaith action. The course meets on Thursday, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM at the Greenfield Intercultural Center. The course includes an overnight service learning retreat. The retreat is tentatively scheduled for MLK Weekend Sunday, January 14 (morning) to Monday, January 15, 2018 (afternoon).
The goals of this program are:
1. To prepare students to facilitate dialogue around interfaith issues on campus & in their various career paths.
2. To create and/or expand leadership around interfaith community-building.
3. To develop skills in communicating and collaborating across differences.
The format of the course will call for students to become co-collaborators in the education of the class and therefore leaders of their own learning. This approach is modeled on the success of the Greenfield Intercultural Center’s Program for Awareness and Cross-Cultural Education (PACE) course – which has been an effective tool for supporting and creating hundreds of leaders over the last 17 years.
Faculty Members: Kathy Hall and Steve Kocher
Questions? – skocher@upenn.edu
* All Penn undergraduates and graduate students from all twelve schools are eligible.
CLICK HERE TO APPLY https://goo.gl/forms/NATqJRgZeJ2FC7El2